Technical Support The best option for getting good technical support is to use VIDI’s AOL (America Online) message boards (go to keyword: VIDI), or by sending email to: You can also get information about VIDI and Presenter 3D on VIDI’s web site,located at: You may download bug fixes, when available, from VIDI's ftp site, located at: For pricing, sales, distribution, and upgrade information, send email to: or contact VIDI at: telephone: (818) 462-1905; fax: (818) 462-0919; address: 57 East Bonita Street, Arcadia CA 91006 Installation Double-click on the install file titled Segment.1; click on Continue button at VIDI splash screen; choose an Install method (Easy or Custom); choose an Install Location; when ready, click on Install button. The minimum Custom Install should include: Applications, Plug-Ins, and Utilities. Applications: ModelPro (modeling module), Presenter (rendering/animation module), v3.x IO (import/export module), GoIO-a and GoIO-b (handles transfer between ModelPro and Presenter). Plug-Ins: Presenter Plug-Ins folder: Animators (modules for automated animation); Textures (PICT files); Rendering (ray tracer, phong, autostereogram, call to MacRenderMan (MacRenderMan must be installed separately); Sounds (8-bit sound files); Translators (called by v3.x IO module); vidimap.slo, vidimap2.slo, projectorlight.slo (needed to use .slo MacRenderMan shaders in Presenter); Pug Anchor (holds Access Code, Name/Company info, and helps Presenter locate all listed above). Note: There should be one (and only one) Pug Anchor on your system. Utilities: Recover 3.x (may repair damaged Presenter 3D file); Why Me? (gives info about why you are running in Special 200 mode); Serial Setter 3.x (allows you to reenter Access Code and/or Name/Company info); Update User 2.3.1 (to install bug-fix updates). VIDI Serial Number Verification Make the appropriate entry in the Name/Company data field; enter your Access Code in the Access Code(s) top-left data field (the remaining three data fields should be empty); click on OK button to start installation. If no entry (or an incorrect entry) is made in the Access Code(s) data field, then Presenter 3D Special 200 will be installed. The Special 200 version has two limitations: file size is limited to 200k; imaging size is limited to 320 x 240 pixels. At the prompt “Do you want Presenter 3D to be able to run on all computers?” Click on Yes button to install the fat binary version, allowing you to run Presenter 3D on 68000 processor machines (i.e. Quadra 800), or accelerated on Power Macintosh machines (i.e. PPC 8100/80).Click on No button to install the version specifically coded for the computer on which you are installing the software (i.e. Power Macintosh native code would be installed on a PPC 8100/80; 68000 code would be installed on a Quadra 800).